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Making an Impact in Communities: 2024 Community Investment Summary

New Gold recognizes the challenges faced by groups and organizations working to support a wide variety of community needs. In 2024, the Rainy River mine was pleased to support a number of initiatives through the Community Investment Program which saw over $70,000 provided to 45 non-profit and charitable organizations last year.

Among the contributions was a $13,000 donation to the Rainy River District School Board’s Student Nutrition program supporting student breakfast and lunch programs for area schools and $10,000 for the annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation even held in Couchiching First Nation. New Gold also partnered with the Township of Chapple and the Recreation Board for the new Community Garden in Barwick, provided funding for the purchase of books and e-books for the Emo Public Library, partnered with local municipalities to support youth entrepreneurs through the West Rainy River New Gold Youth Grant, and provided donations to local food banks.

New Gold’s Community Investment Program was refreshed in 2024, introducing enhancements to the application process in alignment with key investment focus areas of social and community development, education, and environment. New Gold primarily seeks sustainable community projects and initiatives that will bring meaningful and long-lasting impact within the communities in the Rainy River District.

New Gold is currently receiving applications from community groups and organizations that align with shared goals and key investment focus areas. Applications are reviewed by a committee which meets the first week of March, June, September, and November to review.

To submit an application, visit communityinvestment.newgold.com. If you have questions, please contact our Community Department at +1 855 482 0990 or by email at rr.communityinvestment@newgold.com.

Please note that all dollar amounts are in Canadian dollars.