
Finding The Future: Advancing Exploration at Rainy River Mine

Not everyone can say they knew from a young age what they’d be doing as a career, but for Caroline Daoust, the Exploration Manager at New Gold’s Rainy River Mine, her path has always been clear. “I was 12 years when I realized that you could work with rocks as a career,” said Caroline. “I […]

Finding The Future: Advancing Exploration at Rainy River Mine Read More »

Not everyone can say they knew from a young age what they’d be doing as a career, but for Caroline Daoust, the Exploration Manager at New Gold’s Rainy River Mine, her path has always been clear. “I was 12 years when I realized that you could work with rocks as a career,” said Caroline. “I

Critical Infrastructure Paves the Way for Underground Production

Commencement of the underground portal development within Rainy River Mine’s open pit marks the beginning of a new phase to enhance the extraction efficiency and resource yield of the mine as the operation transitions to underground. This second access point to the underground workings brings New Gold one step closer to underground Main Zone production

Critical Infrastructure Paves the Way for Underground Production Read More »

Commencement of the underground portal development within Rainy River Mine’s open pit marks the beginning of a new phase to enhance the extraction efficiency and resource yield of the mine as the operation transitions to underground. This second access point to the underground workings brings New Gold one step closer to underground Main Zone production

Underground Exploration Drilling Program

The Geological Department at the Rainy River mine is busier than ever as they perform 2024 exploration drilling. Over the past several months, a diamond drill and crew of operators arrived on site and began drilling in the Intrepid, Gap, and Main zones. The exploration drilling will provide valuable core samples for the geological team

Underground Exploration Drilling Program Read More »

The Geological Department at the Rainy River mine is busier than ever as they perform 2024 exploration drilling. Over the past several months, a diamond drill and crew of operators arrived on site and began drilling in the Intrepid, Gap, and Main zones. The exploration drilling will provide valuable core samples for the geological team

ESG Reporting Highlights New Gold’s Commitment to Responsible Mining

New Gold understands the importance of sustainability-related reporting in disclosing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and management practices. These annual disclosures share valuable information with stakeholders about New Gold’s achievements over the past year, and they also recognize the remarkable achievements of New Gold employees in advancing our sustainability-related objectives across operations. New

ESG Reporting Highlights New Gold’s Commitment to Responsible Mining Read More »

New Gold understands the importance of sustainability-related reporting in disclosing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and management practices. These annual disclosures share valuable information with stakeholders about New Gold’s achievements over the past year, and they also recognize the remarkable achievements of New Gold employees in advancing our sustainability-related objectives across operations. New

Belén stands in orange mine coveralls in front of a snowy landscape

Taking The Leap: Belén Vergara’s Journey From Chile to Canada

Belén Vergara still remembers the moment she learned she would be moving from Chile’s largest city, Santiago, to the small Northwestern Ontario township of Emo to work at New Gold’s Rainy River Mine. She was the first candidate placed as part of the Artemisa Mining Challenge which strives to pair Canadian mining companies with Chilean

Taking The Leap: Belén Vergara’s Journey From Chile to Canada Read More »

Belén Vergara still remembers the moment she learned she would be moving from Chile’s largest city, Santiago, to the small Northwestern Ontario township of Emo to work at New Gold’s Rainy River Mine. She was the first candidate placed as part of the Artemisa Mining Challenge which strives to pair Canadian mining companies with Chilean

Celebrating 1 Year Lost-Time Injury-Free

In October, the Rainy River Mine celebrated one year without any Lost-Time Injuries (LTIs). This milestone would not have been possible without the contributions of our employees and contractors who worked at site over the past year. Focusing on identifying and controlling hazards associated with every task performed on a shift-by-shift basis contributed to this achievement. On

Celebrating 1 Year Lost-Time Injury-Free Read More »

In October, the Rainy River Mine celebrated one year without any Lost-Time Injuries (LTIs). This milestone would not have been possible without the contributions of our employees and contractors who worked at site over the past year. Focusing on identifying and controlling hazards associated with every task performed on a shift-by-shift basis contributed to this achievement. On

Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Each year on September 30, people across Canada recognize the harmful and traumatic history of the residential school system and honour survivors and those who were impacted. At our mine sites, teams worked to organize meaningful activities as part of New Gold’s commitment to playing a role in reconciliation. New Gold’s Rainy River Mine in

Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Read More »

Each year on September 30, people across Canada recognize the harmful and traumatic history of the residential school system and honour survivors and those who were impacted. At our mine sites, teams worked to organize meaningful activities as part of New Gold’s commitment to playing a role in reconciliation. New Gold’s Rainy River Mine in